Welcome to the Superteam Newsletter

We help the most promising projects in the Solana ecosystem in the ascending world (India, South East Asia, Eastern Europe, and Africa) launch and grow. We are organized as a co-operative of creatives, developers, and operators who are experienced in launching and growing technology businesses.

We value the sovereignty that comes with founding a company, the skin in the game that comes with investing, and the joy that comes with getting sh*t done. In a pre-crypto world, we had to fit into broiler categories — founder, investor, or employee. Crypto allows us to be free-range and be all three at the same time.

Stay up-to-date

To know more about us check out our website and follow us on Twitter to never miss an update.

Join the community

If what we do resonates with you, the first step would be to join our Discord community (where most of the action happens) and get contributing!

Write to us

In case of queries, collaborations or partnerships, write to us or just shoot over a DM on Twitter.

Subscribe to The Superteam Blog

We help the most promising projects in the Solana ecosystem launch and grow. We are organized as a co-operative of creatives, operators, and investors.


Helping members win at Superteam India.
I'm gonna write my way out of this.
Research and design
Product Design. Prev @Quizizz @Flipkart. Slowly testing the Web3 waters. Say hi on Twitter @adarshrao_
core contributor @superteamdao
Member@SuperteamDAO. Blogs: https://www.getrevue.co/profile/deplanetepisodes Twitter - abhijith_psr Interested in Sustainability, Gamification.
IT Operations, Likes Storytelling, Learning new things everyday
tweet @0xalicap building @onjuno
Forcing a different perspective derickdavid.com
I'm a law grad with an innate interest in technology and how it's fundamentally changing the society around us.
Web3 research specialist | Trying to create easy to understand crypto content | Member: SuperteamDAO
Learning web3 one day at a time. I write on Twitter and Medium about various aspects of web3 right from understanding blockchain ✍🏾 to developing 💻. Absolutely thrilled to learn something new each day. 🚀
a community of operators, devs & grantees working on promising solana projects
Learning, Writing, and Building in FinTech & Web3. @yashhsm on Twitter!
Sherpa @Superteam
Charting the inanity of the financial internet.
Crawling from 0 to 1, rather than running from 1 to n :)
drowsydrone; Member @SuperteamDAO; interested in finance, water and poverty.
En una búsqueda constante de la VERDAD... 💡
📝 Writer. 🎙Podcaster. 🔊Voice artist. Loves: 🎥 Films. 🏎 Formula One. 💸 Finance. Consultant: Creative Marketing & Communication. Exploring Web 3.0.
Co-lead @Superteam Turkey
Deep diving into the world of Web3